Bible reading tip #9 – Soap


bible5Bible reading is a discipine that is hard for many people.  One of the reasons to stay with it, is because of its value in helping the reader understand God and his or her self.

Today’s bible reading tip comes from Leading on Empty: Refilling Your Tank and Renewing Your Passion  He provides a good acrostic that can help our engagement of the bible.



Here is a summary:

S- Scripture


This is typically done with small portions of scripture. Read the passage you are reading that day.  What verse (s) stand out to you?  Write those down.

O- Observation


Write down what the verse is saying to you.  There is no rule here on how many sentences, but try to be clear. You could add observations on the passage, but if something stands out, focus on that verse or verses.


A – Application


Ask yourself to make an application to your life.  Wayne Cordeiro asks, “How will you be different today because of what you have just read?”  I would add what does this tell you about yourself and who God is?


P- Prayer


Write down something you are asking God to help you with.


There are many systems on engaging the bible. Perhaps this one can help you reengage for a season in a fresh way. Finding a system will increase your engagement of the bible. Remember little steps over time will take you a long way.

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