In looking for end of time Signs, Don’t miss Jesus

Series: Matthew 24 – part 2

“The sky is falling, the sky is falling.”  These were the words I wrote in an email in 2000 AD to my wife-to-be; we were not dating yet.  In 1999 many were talking about the end of time, and how many things were going to come crashing down.  The Christian church in the 20th century was filled with such “sign” talk.  And, so it continues today.  Books fly off the shelf, and certain books of the bible are only seen as pertaining to the future, with no thought to the here and now.  However, the question of signs is a fair question.   Just how is Jesus going to come back?

This is part 2 of a series of posts (part 1, part 3) that are looking at the Second Coming of Jesus.  To help narrow the conversation for better reflection, this series of posts will be based on Jesus’ conversation in Matthew 24.

The disciples come to Jesus and ask, “When will the end come and what will be the signs?” (Matthew 24:3)

We are always looking for something.  There is a trust that comes with having knowledge.  The danger is that we  can put our hope in that knowledge and miss Jesus.  We put our hope and status and identity in the fact that we know what is coming.

For example, we pray and pray, “Lord show me the future, show me what I am to do.”  As if having that knowledge will give us peace.  What if Jesus said, “You are going to suffer”?  Will we try to change it so we do not?  In a way knowledge can give peace, but the real issue is control.  Be careful to not miss Jesus in your planning and controlling.

Many times we seek the sign so hard, that we actually seek the signs and not Jesus.  In Matthew 24:4-5, Jesus shares many will come in the likeness of himself, but they will not be Jesus.   They will come and deceive many, saying, “Let me show you how to find successes, and wealth,  and have every lasting peace.  However, it will not be a Christ-centered road. In speaking about the signs, Jesus warns us to be careful to not lose sight of the real Christ. One of the first signs Jesus shares here is the reality of deception.

As we journey this life we have many voices calling out to us.  “Follow me,” they say.  Jesus warns us we can be deceived; however, we must not lose sight of the voice of Jesus. There must be an active work on our part to test the voices and those claiming to be our hope.  I do wonder what this will look like.  Could it be a person, or perhaps a way of thinking that looks Christian, but once we dig deeper, we find it is not Jesus at all.

Staying connected to the word of God (Bible) is a foundational way to be able to hear the voice of Jesus clearly.

Sometimes in our pursuit to understand the end time calendar,  our fault has been in putting our hope in knowledge, and missing Jesus.  It is Jesus who is our hope, not the ability to understand everything.  It is not about understanding how all the signs work out, but it is about Jesus.

Another danger in seeking to understand the end time calendar is that we miss our calling in this life.  In seeking to understand the end of times, stay connected to the voice of Jesus. Be careful and watch out that you do not get hung up in things that pull you away from Jesus, and from living for his kingdom here and now.

In looking for end of time signs, don’t miss Jesus.

Next post we will look verse 6-14.

What question do you have from this passage?

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