Summer 2016 Break

Summer 2016 Break

Last Summer I took a break from blogging to have some down time and recovery.  This year I am going to do the same.  If you receive post directly to your inbox you may receive some special emails this summer.  My plan is to start back up at the end of August.

front of church640x427As I begin a new season as lead pastor at Stayner BIC Church and moving my family I need to take some time to get them settled.

I will still be active on facebook and twitter and it would be great to hear you in one of those circles.

My hope this summer is to also finish two projects for the web.  One is a prayer course to help people jump start their prayer life.  Number two is to finish a devotional reflection learning from the story of Gideon. fish

I hope as well this summer to get some fishing in as I did not get much ice fishing done this past winter.