6 Ways Audio Bible can help

The Wall Street Journal reported that some initial research points out that audio books are more “emotionally engaging than silent reading, particularly for men,” says Guy Story, Audible’s Chief Scientist.”

That may or may not be true for you. However, audio bibles can be a great way to help you engage scripture more.

6 ways using an audio bible can help you engage scripture:19149_Quiet_Time


1. Great way to first begin.

If you are new to the bible this can be a great way to start. It can even help with some of those crazy names you will read. Are you new to the bible, or know someone who is? Consider starting with an audio bible.

2. You’re not a reader

Many people just do not crack open books. This may be a great way to help “crack open” the bible.

3. Listen while you do other tasks

You could listen to scripture while you walk, have your morning coffee, do the dishes, or on the bus as you go to work. The more you hear the word in an active listening role, it will make an impact in your life.

4. Great for Auditory learners.

An auditory learner depends on hearing and speaking as their strongest way of learning. Some where I read that auditory learners make up about 30% of the population (I could be wrong though, so please let me know). If this is you, audio bibles can be a great tool. You can also listen when you cannot see. For example, you could try right before bed with the lights off. If you fall asleep, that is ok.

5. Hear it again with fresh ears

Listening to someone read the bible can allow us to hear things we may not otherwise hear. Perhaps the Book of Proverbs may be the hardest to listen through; however, many of the publishers are getting professional story tellers to read. Perhaps there are more, but my sixth way audio bibles can help you engage scripture more is:

6. Combine it

Listen to the bible while you read along. Take these two learning styles and work to get the best out of both of them.

Generally, for most of us the audio bible will not take us away from physically reading the bible, but it may for some.

If you want to freshen up or kick start your bible reading, then an audio bible is a great option in your bible reading.


What has been your experience with audio bible reading? Have you found better ones than others?

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