Identity Lesson from Moses

j0407509The question of who we are and how we view ourselves affects everything from our day to day tasks, to stepping out in life. Understanding the question to who I am is often a life journey. How we see ourselves can stop us from moving forward.

Understanding who God is and what he has done, will reveal who we are and what we need to do.

When God calls Moses to go back to Egypt and lead his people out of slavery,, he shares that he has heard the cry of his people. And, he gives a promise to Moses of where he is going to take his people. We read in Exodus 3:11 how Moses responds to God by saying, “Who am I that I should go.”

Have you ever had that view of yourself? Stopping you from stepping out in faith and/or life? Or, had your view of yourself stopped you from living out God’s mission in your life? We think, ‘I am not good enough’, or ‘I do not have all the right skills.’ We say, ‘I do not have all my ducks lined up yet.’ Our failures are like looking in a mirror, staring us back in the face.

Instead of God saying, “Well here is all your good strengths and the skills you have that will help for this job,” God speaks about himself. We know that Moses did have a good skill set for leading people because of His years growing up in Egypt in the Pharaohs’ home, and the education he received. He also got some of his education from his experience living in the dessert. These are all good reason why perhaps God calls Moses.

However, this is not what God refers to. He speaks about how he (God) will be with him. He talks about the signs that will follow him, revealing God’s power and authority.

Then if you skip over to Exodus 4:10-14, Moses speaks of his weakness again, and why he cannot do this task. God’s response is about what he (God) has done and what he (God) can do.

Moses still struggles, but what I find interesting is how God sees who Moses is. Moses see all his weaknesses, and they are real.

But, God shares, ‘This is who I am, and who you shall be because of who I am. You may be weak in speaking, but I will give you what you need and you will not be.’

God answers Moses’ questions about who he is by answering who he (God) is.

As we get to understand who God is, we can understand who we are. Understanding who we are finds fulfillment in the one who created us and is restoring us, Jesus Christ.

The gospel shares that through Jesus’ death and resurrection, there is a redefining of who we are. When we follow Jesus our identity changes, and becomes anchored in Jesus. As we understand who God is and what he has done, we can understand who we are and what we are to do.

What if we listened to who God says we are? As you read the scripture over the coming months, ask God this question. “Who are you and who do you say I am?”

John 3:1a “See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!” (NLT)

Bible Reading Tip#5 : Audio bible

Have you ever considered using an audio bible to improve your bible engagement?


19149_Quiet_TimeThis week’s bible reading tip is to consider using audio bibles to help you engage the scriptures in a fresh way. This is not a reading tip, but rather an engagement tip.

I remember one small community I lived in, a number of churches got together to read through the whole of scripture. People signed up to read sections and not everyone was there all the time. As I sat and listened to the scripture being read, it seemed fresh. I also imagined this was as close as we could get to when the letters where first received. Not everyone could read and so the letter was read to the community. Today we have the blessing of being able to have someone read to us whenever we want. We can find many places online that have MP3’s of different scripture passages.

Check out a few here:

Consider using audio bibles to help you engage the scriptures in a fresh way.

If you want to freshen up or kick start your bible reading, then audio bibles are a great option in your bible reading.

Read Here: 6 ways using an audio bible can help you engage scripture.

What has been your experience with audio bible reading? Have you found better ones than others?

Beginner’s Guide to Lent : Finishing Lent well

Beginner’s Guide to Lent : Finishing Lent well

cross-backgroundHow do I end Lent well? You have been fasting, praying, and practicing alms giving over the Lent season. In a way, Lent is like a race, and as one goes into Holy Week, the last lap on the track is entered.

How do we end Lent well?

1. Utilize Holy Week

What is Holy Week?

Palm Sunday is the start of the last loop of the Lent race.  It begins with what Jesus followers call Holy Week.  On Palm Sunday we celebrate the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem (Matthew 21). Then later in the week, we remember the Eucharist (Lk. 22:17-23; 1 Cor. 11:17-34).  This is also known as the Lord’s Supper or Communion.  Through these activities, we remember the suffering, death, and finally crossing the finish line of Lent in the resurrection.

Four major days of Holy week.

a. Holy Thursday

This day comes before Good Friday and commemorates communion, foot washing, and Jesus praying in the garden.


b. Good Friday – commemorates the death of Jesus. Many churches hold a gathering on this day filled with song, scripture reading, prayer and teaching.


c. Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil) – A day for rest, a time of waiting and short weeping.


d. Resurrection Sunday. – Celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. This is a time to celebrate. .


I would encourage you to utilize Holy Week.  Many churches will hold extra prayer or gathering times.  Consider entering into those times.  I would also suggest that you read through the gospels, and the last days of Jesus’ death and resurrection.  You could even pick up a devotional to guide you through scripture this week.

A Second tip for finishing Lent well is:


2. Hold a Jesus meal.


A Jesus meal is a time for believers to gather over a meal and intentionally share spiritual stories.  They share about their walk with God and how they are growing.  They share where they are seeing God at work.  They share how they came to faith.   Then, the night ends by praying for one another.  There are many elements one could incorporate, but for a guide, check out this post:

A Jesus Meal


A Third tip for finishing Lent well is:

3. Personal reflection again.

Answer this question – What will you take away from your lent journey?  Journaling through the season can help in this area of reflection.


A fourth tip for finishing Lent well is

4. Celebrate.

Often in my life this is another meal.  Consider inviting more than just your family.  Perhaps you can gather a bunch of people and each take care for part of the meal.  Be creative.


Be sure to gather with the church this day for a time of worship, scripture reading and prayer.

Celebrate the life you have in Jesus. Yes, have a party.


Finally to finish Lent well:

5. Keep running the race marked out for you.

This is just one chapter, one season in your life.  We have climbed the mountain and have hopefully met with Jesus.  But, he wants us to go back down the mountain, and engage life for his glory.  Live for Jesus.  To not do so will waste your Lent journey.

If you want to finish Lent well, live for Jesus after the season has come to an end.


Beginners guide to the season of lent

Beginners guide to the season of lent

DSCN7488Are you new to Lent? Looking for help as you journey through the Lent season? Do you want to get the most out of the season of Lent? Are you looking for a place to begin in your journey through the Lent season?

This is why I have created these posts.

Through this “Beginners guide to the season of Lent,” I hope to help with the following:

  • Increasing your knowledge of who God is.
  • Help you understand the role of Lent, and give you practical application for deepening your spiritual roots.

It was not until later in my journey with Jesus that I began to practice this season with the Church.

Lent is a set period of time to strengthen deeper roots in Christ. I have found it to be a helpful season to assist me in discipling others, as well as helping me to realign in Christ and deal with my own idols. My prayer is that the season of Lent will help you to know Jesus more and to walk in holiness.

A Beginners Guide to Lent:

1. What is Lent?

2. Lent and Prayer.

3. Why give something up at Lent?

4. Alms giving.

5. Lent and fasting.

6. Self-examination.

7. Celebration of Easter – ending Lent well.

Any suggestion on how to make Lent better?

6 Ways Audio Bible can help

The Wall Street Journal reported that some initial research points out that audio books are more “emotionally engaging than silent reading, particularly for men,” says Guy Story, Audible’s Chief Scientist.”

That may or may not be true for you. However, audio bibles can be a great way to help you engage scripture more.

6 ways using an audio bible can help you engage scripture:19149_Quiet_Time


1. Great way to first begin.

If you are new to the bible this can be a great way to start. It can even help with some of those crazy names you will read. Are you new to the bible, or know someone who is? Consider starting with an audio bible.

2. You’re not a reader

Many people just do not crack open books. This may be a great way to help “crack open” the bible.

3. Listen while you do other tasks

You could listen to scripture while you walk, have your morning coffee, do the dishes, or on the bus as you go to work. The more you hear the word in an active listening role, it will make an impact in your life.

4. Great for Auditory learners.

An auditory learner depends on hearing and speaking as their strongest way of learning. Some where I read that auditory learners make up about 30% of the population (I could be wrong though, so please let me know). If this is you, audio bibles can be a great tool. You can also listen when you cannot see. For example, you could try right before bed with the lights off. If you fall asleep, that is ok.

5. Hear it again with fresh ears

Listening to someone read the bible can allow us to hear things we may not otherwise hear. Perhaps the Book of Proverbs may be the hardest to listen through; however, many of the publishers are getting professional story tellers to read. Perhaps there are more, but my sixth way audio bibles can help you engage scripture more is:

6. Combine it

Listen to the bible while you read along. Take these two learning styles and work to get the best out of both of them.

Generally, for most of us the audio bible will not take us away from physically reading the bible, but it may for some.

If you want to freshen up or kick start your bible reading, then an audio bible is a great option in your bible reading.


What has been your experience with audio bible reading? Have you found better ones than others?