Generous with time, but Focused


In Mark 1:32-39 Peter learns the need to focus on his time.  At this point, Simon, who later would be called Peter, does not know much about Jesus.  After some time in the synagogue, they go to Peter’s house.  After the sunset people begin to show up at Peter’s house and Jesus spends  time that night healing people.


The next day, early in the morning, Jesus gets up and leaves  to find a solitary place and prays.  Peter is searching for Jesus and seems a little frustrated that he has left.  Peter tells Jesus that everyone is looking for him.  Let me summarize what is behind that statement:  What are you doing here Jesus?  All these people are at my house and you need to be there healing those people.  There is some implication that Peter sees the Lord’s absence as unproductive and perhaps having the wrong priorities.


Jesus simply does not seem impressed by the large crowd and all the people wanting.  Notice his statement in verse 38 “Let us go somewhere else….”  The reason was to preach the gospel to other villages.  You see Jesus was generous with is time but also focused.  He knew what God the Father sent him to do and so prioritizes his life.  Jesus that day did not heal everyone or do everything.


Peter would learn the need to prioritize his time. Peter would begin to learn to look at the needs through the eyes of the Father’s will.  There are a lot of good things they could be doing.


There are a lot of good things you could be doing.


Jesus knew what God the Father called him to do.  Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to be good Christians and helping everyone and doing all kinds of good work that in the process, we miss Jesus and the opportunity to produce better fruit.  Sometimes, like Peter, we have expectations, or listen to the expectations of others, and miss out on being and doing what God has called us to be or do.


What about you?


Are you just running through life with no direction; running from one urgent thing to the next?  Have you filled your schedule so much that you look busy  and are busy but  have no margin and time to just be still and know God.


God is not in a rush.


In this season of your life, what is the Holy Spirit asking you to focus on?  Where do you need to stop living for the urgent and live for the significant?  Are you busy in work, or a location or circumstance, but God is calling you to be somewhere else?


This week ask yourself this question, how does Jesus want you to use your time?


There is no way Peter got this right away and he would have taken baby steps.  What steps do you need to take to focus on what you should be doing?


In my life I do still live in the tensions and the only way I  can align correctly is to have paused moments of reflection.  Perhaps this is what Jesus was doing out there alone praying.  He was being reminded of where he should be and who he was.



Series: Walking with Peter and Jesus

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