A road away from Stress.

A road away from Stress.

Are you being thankful for what you did accomplish?

pile of booksFrom time to time I find myself in the midst of a busy week.  I take one thing off the to-do list and another goes on.  This is not bad or good, it just is.  I came home from the day’s work and had not completed the list I wanted for that day.  I was sharing with my wife, ok complaining, that I did not complete my list.  I was frustrated with my limited capacity.


Then my wife asked a great question.  In the moment though, I did not understand what she was getting at until I finished answering her question.  She patiently waited for me to share my answer to the question.  Then said, “why not celebrate and be thankful for what you did accomplish.”

Her question was “what did you accomplish today?”  It was a great reality check question.  We need to ask such a question from time to time to gain a better perspective of our situation in life.


Sometimes my expectations keep me looking at what I did not accomplish this week or day.  Expectations can help drive us, but we need to celebrate and be thankful for what we have accomplished.  It can be exhausting always running after the list that never ends.


Perhaps you find you have a long list and feel frustrated at not completing it.  Ask yourself, what have I completed, have I taken steps in the right direction today.  Celebrate and be thankful.


Perhaps at the end of your day, you can create a celebration or thankful list.  You can do this mentally or write it down.  Writing it down is a great way to help process your thoughts and also lets you look back on your life.


Here is some help to get started, it will just take five minutes.


What can you celebrate from your day?


What steps to accomplishing a task or tasks did you complete?


What do you have to be thankful for in your day?


Being thankful is a road to helping you relieve stress and gain perspective.

Christmas – The day after the Celebration

Series Christmas 2015 – part 6 Series Christmas 2015 – part 6

How now do we live in light of the great coming of Jesus?


For many there is a great build up to Christmas and then it is over.  We must now come down off the mountain, and journey along the road of life.


We need the mountain top experiences of seeking Jesus, but life is lived down below.  We meet Jesus at the top of the mountain and also in the regular rhythms of life.  Jesus came to transform your  life. Jesus, taught in such a way that he believed it would have an impact on the daily rhythms of life.


2 Corinthians 5:17-18 says, “Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Christ” (NLT).


As you look ahead to the new year and following Jesus. What do need to you let go of from the storm?

To live in the new life ahead, what do you need to let go of from the past?


When we follow Jesus it does not mean all our storms go away. The storm may still be around, but how do you engage, enter, and experience the full life that Jesus came to give?

It starts with him as your center.


John 10:10 New Living Translation (NLT)

10 The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich

and satisfying life.


Christmas is just the beginning of the Christian calendar year.  I encourage you to find a reading plan to take you through the gospels and discover Christ with fresh eyes.

This new year how will you intentionally use the resources God has given you to impact and spread the word of God.


Let me leave you with two resources.


One, is to sign up to receive weekly post from my blog.  Most weeks you will receive 2-3 post directly to your email.

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The second, is to consider getting a life coach. A life coach can help bring clarity to where you are and want to go, then help develop a plan to get there.

This year do not sit in the back seat, but grab the steering wheel and enter, experience and engage the life God is calling you to.


May you have a great year and God be with you.

How a Coach Can Help

There is something powerful that can happen in a guided conversation.  In my experience, often just having someone listen and help me talk through where I am and what I need to do is of great value.

carriageToday most often when we speak about coaches, we think about sports coaches.  Historically the word “coach” itself comes from a horse drawn vehicle.   Today, the concept has expanded to an understanding of a person who guides people from where they are to greater competence and the fulfillment they desire.  For me, as a coach, I bring to the table a spiritual component,  helping people not only reach what they desire, but helping them discover where God wants them to be.

A coach can help someone get unstuck in circumstances or seasons of life.  A coach can help you figure out where you are and how to get to where you need to go.  It really is the client that does most of the work, but the coach provides tools, often through the form of questions, to help an individual take steps to become unstuck.

Coaching can help with: ad for coaching 2015

  • building confidence
  • expanding one’s vision for the future
  • reaching an individual’s or organization’s dream
  • unlocking potential
  • increasing skills
  • moving through a transition
  • practical steps toward reaching goals

A coach does not address issues such as abuse, addiction, psychosis, or dysfunction.  It is for the relatively healthy individuals who want to address a current challenge of where they are at and how they are going to get to where they want to be . It is important for the client to want and be willing to change in order to get the most out of the experience.

Coaches will focus more on strengths and current situations and moving forward.  Coaching is a relationship that is client centered and goal directed.  Each situation is unique, but most coaches will look to what  the person wants to change, or areas they want to grow in. Many will work through the obstacles and create a plan to move forward, giving accountability along the journey.

A Coach is a partner that works to help you reach a goal.  A coach is an advocate for you; they are someone looking out for you. A coach is a cheerleader, helping you celebrate wins and cheering you on.  These are just a few ways a life coach can help you.

Below is a table to help understand the difference between coaching and other relationships.

Key Distinctions between Coaching and Other Relationships

Who is the Expert?

Assumptions About the Other Person

Purpose of Questions

What is the Outcome?


Person being coached

Healthy, ready to move forward

To promote discovery for the person being coached

New awareness and action



Pathology; has experienced a wound that continues to cause hurt

To provide a diagnosis and/or to better understand “why?”

Understanding and acceptance to promote healing



Experiencing circumstances similar to those previously faced by the mentor

The one being mentored asks questions to solicit advice and gather information

The one who is mentored resembles the mentor in knowledge and action



A follower of Christ who wants to learn and grow

Often scripted or planned in advance, aimed at learning from Scripture

A clearer understanding of Scripture and closer walk with God