Making and Being a Disciple of Jesus

When we look at how Jesus made disciples there are about four groups or circles he works in. Potter's Clay

a. Multitudes (larger crowd) – This consisted of larger teaching times

“Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables; he did not say anything to them without using a parable.”

– Matthew 13:33 NIV

b. The 72 – In Luke 10, we read about the sending out of the 72 disciples. Jesus appointed 72 disciples, and sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God. He tells us that whoever listens to these disciples, listens to Jesus or rejects Jesus (Luke 10:16). They return and debrief with Jesus, and he teaches them some more; but, these were not the twelve apostles (Luke 10:23).

c. The 12 – Jesus spent a whole night (Luke 6) praying on the selection of these 12, who would have a closer relationship with Him, than those who followed him.  He could not spend small group time with the 70, much less one on one time. What we do see is Jesus spending three years with a smaller group of men, teaching them, modeling for them, challenging them, experiencing life together. They lived “mission” together.

d. The 3 – Peter, James and John have a closer relationship than any of the multitudes, the 72 or of the 12.    They are with Jesus on the mount of transfiguration and in the Garden of Gethsemane.  Their discipleship took on a different intimacy.

As we follow Jesus, we need versions of these four levels of community in our life.  They each play a role for us in being disciples of Jesus, and in making disciples of Jesus.

Who are two people you meet with regularly for friendship, spiritual growth and mission together?

The gospel calls us to community.  As we make disciples, we should have a smaller group we spend more time with than others.  We do not apologize for this, but we leverage it to make disciples.

As you look to be a disciple and to make disciples of Jesus, what one of these circles do you need to take steps towards in your journey?

Is it gathering in the larger moments of church events?

Is it going to that leadership training?

Is it finding a smaller group on life discipleship?

Is it finding an inner circle?