During this September month (2021), I have been doing a teaching on grief. There are many resources I looked at. Ted talks has a great playlist called” Wisdom for living with death and loss” Here is the link
As I watched The journey through loss and grief – Jason B. Rosenthal • TED2018 • April 2018
Here are my 4 takeaways
1)Have a conversation now about death and do not wait.
2)”Moving forward through and with grief.”
3)Memories of the death moments are tough and stay with us.
4)You must go on and seek the joy and beauty of life.
One of the things I have come to appreciate in preparing for the teaching and giving it; is the need to have the end-of-life conversations now. At the same time, enjoy the little moments of life and slow down to do so.
Take a moment and watch and let me know your takeaways.