How do I find the time to pray?

Finding the time to pray is one of the greatest challenges I hear from people.

chasm 2For followers of Jesus many times we both yearn for prayer and hide from prayer.  We know that prayer is something we should do.  We want to do it, but at times it seems like a chasm stands between us and actually praying.

Let me give you a few tips on how to start building your bridge to cross that chasm.

a. Our view of Jesus needs to refocus.

Think about the story in Luke 15 about the two sons.  In both cases the father shows grace to each son.  We see the father standing and waiting for the one who has walked away for a time. What does he do when he see us? He celebrates.

Then the other son is mad and standing outside and the father goes to him and engages him.  Jesus will do the same to us.

Jesus also shares that he is the living water.  The fact is we do not always believe that.  If we did we would come to him.  At times we believe TV shows are what we really need and so we turn them on.

b. Reshaping our view of prayer.

David Benner shares, “Spending time together ought to be the essence of prayer.”

This is a hard one because often our prayer life is about us asking God for things.  Now there is a place for that.  However, what does it look like to just be with Jesus? To say, “Jesus here I am”, and sit, or go for a walk with him.  Our relationship with Jesus only develops as we spend time together and our spending time with God is at the core of prayer.  It is not about getting the check list done.  It is about recognizing his presence in the moment of everyday life and that is part of the core of prayer.

Prayer is about spending time with Jesus.

c. Schedule it

In my life I have deemed it necessary for the good of my relationship with my wife to go on dates. Four months out, I picked nights, found a babysitter and booked it in the calendar.  If you are not willing to book it, it is not important.  You will always find time for the things that are important.

We need to start small and be realistic.  What if you try this week to take 10 minutes a day.

You do you have the time.

Are you looking for help to develop in-the-moment short prayers? Check out this post: “How to develop the Habit of prayer in one minute.”

d. Community and prayer

What if you met with one person with the purpose to pray?  You could call it your prayer partner.  Prayer is not just a personal thing.  Community plays a huge role.  Perhaps you connect with this person in the flesh or on-line, but connect to pray.

Prayer is something we learn and it is strange and awkward at times.  Prayer is a journey so do not forget that and begin to walk.

What is one things you will do right now to build the discipline of prayer?

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