Ever find yourself looking for a tool to help frame your prayer time?
Having a prayer framework can help you stay focused in your conversation with Jesus. Over the years in my own journey I have used different frameworks to help guide my prayer times.
A prayer framework is simply a pattern to follow in your prayer time for life. Jesus provided this to the disciples when they asked him how to pray.
Mike Bickle, in his book “Growing in Prayer: A Real-Life Guide to Talking with God,” shares about how nearly all prayers can be categorized into three themes.
Using these three themes, you can frame your prayer time. To start, you could spend time within each theme, You could draw three circles that overlap just a little in your journal and place within those circles a request that follows under each heading. Then start praying.
The three themes to consider are:
1. Praying for the fruit (or Character of Christ) to be established in people’s lives.
It is the desire of Jesus that the fruits of the Spirit, as we read in Galatians 5:22-23, are developed in us. As the fruits of the spirit take root and reproduce in our life or others we both will enter, engage, and experience the life we were created for. This areas is about praying for personal character to be transformed by Jesus.
What this could look like:
Jesus I bring to you Sue (a name chosen at random, not connected to anyone in specific). Holy Spirit let her see and hear clearly the voice of the spirit guiding her. Reveal where there may be sin holding her back so that fruit may spring up out of the darkness from your light. May she know you in greater depths and may she know herself and who she is created to be.
2. Pray for the releasing of the gifts of the Spirit
Here we are asking for a releasing of the supernatural; we are praying for God’s power to be seen in people’s lives and other various places. (1 Cor. 12:7-10)
What this could look like:
Jesus, in John’s life, I ask for a greater measure of your power to be manifested. Release the gifts of the Spirit in his life that your kingdom may grow and lives be transformed. Give him favour with others that he may serve and experience your power and glory.
3. The wisdom of the Spirit released.
Here we are praying for an increase of understanding and insight into God’s plan and will and word for us or others.
What this could look like:
Jesus grant my church wisdom and insight as to the next steps we are to take. Give us specific direction for each area of the life of the church and overall journey.
These are just three themes to serve as a simple framework to guide your prayer time.
What frameworks have you found helpful in your journey? Try this for a week and see if it can help you and your prayer time.