Why you need to do a Financial analyst

Why you need to do a Financial analyst

To build a solid financial base and find financial freedom. You are going to need to define reality.

We have to know where we are and where we want to go to find financial freedom.

A financial analyst is simply about finding out where you are and where do you want to go.

Once you know where you are, the next steps is about deciding where to put the money to make it work for you.

A simple place to start is by setting up a cash flow sheet. What is coming in, and what is going out? It is essential to set up a budget to track your money and master it so that it does not master you.

A financial analyst is simple about defining reality so you can move forward.

This is where I can help you. Let set up a time and get you a free financial analyst and build a solid financial life.

What questions do you have?

I’ve Been thinking about life insurance

I’ve Been thinking about life insurance

We are a one-income family. Now I have struggled with that reality for some time. Not because I think my wife should work. No, we decided a long time ago that she would stay home to invest in our kids, and I would work. It was an excellent choice for us; perhaps it is different for you.  

However, two things I have struggled with through the years.  

One, can we generate additional income sources in our life. So, on top of doing some personal life coaching for people. At the moment of writing this, I am also developing another small business option around helping people master their money(Investment, insurance, debt reduction, financial Education, etc. – want to learn more? Let me know or looking for help )  

Two, I have wondered what would happen if I would die or get seriously injured, what would my family do?

We have worked hard to have no debt in our life and keep reasonable control of our budget. But death is a massive disruption to life.  

In one of my roles as a pastor, I have buried enough people to know the cost around the time of death, can be a burden for families.  

So I am on a journey, learning about life insurance and investments and how it can help.  

Life insurance is about trying to manage the potential of disruption and the financial impact upon my family. As a Dad, it is about taking responsibility for my family. My young family and wife depend upon my income.  

As I look at financial planning in my life, I am coming to see this as a foundation for caring for my family. 

What about you, how have you developed or planned for the risk of and reality of death?

What questions do you have about life insurance? Have you found a better option than life insurance? 

Two resources to build relationships

Two resources to build relationships

“love is not the icing on the cake of life. It is a basic primary need, like oxygen or water.” -Dr. Sue Johnson

One of the six spokes of life that we need to develop to create a healthy life is our relationships. 

I wanted to take a moment and share about two people that I have found some great resources that have helped me.   

The first is Dr. Sue Johnson. 

I first came across her as I was preparing for a teaching series on marriage. I ended up reading her book, “Hold me tight: Seven conversations for a lifetime of love.”

A great place to start to be introduced to her work would be the videos she has on her site – https://drsuejohnson.com/videos/

Dr. Johnson has developed some great work around love and Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFT).

The second person is Dr. Henry cloud. 

He is a leadership expert and clinical psychologist. This past summer, I read one of his books on boundaries for parents. He has a whole series on this topic, and I highly recommend his work.  

He has a podcast you can check out here – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-boundaries-me-podcast/id1488880049

As well on youtube and Facebook (May 2020), he has a live video with a call in. You can check it out – https://www.youtube.com/user/DrHenryCloud

He has some great articles on setting boundaries in our relationships.  

Both of these have been two resources that have been helpful in my life. 

What about you? What resources have helped your relationships?  

Being a hero, when the story is not about us

Being a hero, when the story is not about us

Some times we have to be a hero, but the story is about another hero.   One of the things I have learned in life is that there are no lone rangers. Every successful person, on top of just dumb luck, has had people help them.  

In the movie and story “Lord of the Rings,”  Samwise is a hero, but the story is not about him.  The story is about Frodo’s quest to destroy the ring of power.  The character of Samwise is great and heroic. He spends himself for Frodo’s success.

I wonder what that looks likes in our homes, with our families, at work.  Are there things that call us to heroism even though we might not be the central part of the story.  

Heor’s have integrity.

Heros stand up for themselves. 

Heros are ok with not being in the limelight.  

I interviewed a group of men and asked who has been an influencer in your life.  

Each shared with me about someone or a group of someones, that showed them a new way and took an interest in their life.  Often it was not filled with fireworks, sometimes perhaps, but many times not.  It was simple, consistent, faithful.  

Perhaps you are in a chapter of your story, intersecting with other people’s stories, and you are not the hero.  A true hero is ok with that because they know life is not all about them.  

Some questions that may help for this moment of the journey?

What are you learning about yourself right now?

What are about the role you play?

Where do you need to stand up for yourself, with integrity?

How can you be content but still work on your goals?  

We all need to be a hero for someone who will you, be one for today?