The Second Coming in 3 Parts – Do not Fear the Circumstances

Series: Matthew 24 – part 3
Text: Matthew 24:6-32

This is part 3 of a series of posts (part 1, part 2, part 3) that are looking at the Second Coming of Jesus.  To help narrow the conversation for better reflection, this series of posts will be based on Jesus’ conversation in Matthew 24.

“False labour contractions are unpredictable. They come at irregular intervals and vary in length and intensity. Although true labour contractions may be irregular at first, over time they start coming at regular and shorter intervals, and become increasingly more intense, and last longer.”

In Matthew 24:8, Jesus says, “All these [signs] are the beginning of birth pains.”  As one read Matthew 24, there is a feeling of the building of contractions getting greater and the intervals closer.  Jesus starts with a short list of the beginning signs of his return in verses 6-7.

  • We will hear of wars and rumours of wars.
  • Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom.
  • famines
  • earthquakes

The challenge of this list is that realistically  we have always had such things.  How do we know if what we see today is part of a regular cycle or the first stage of birth pains? We do know that there are physical changes taking place in our world, which one could argue are leading to stronger storms.   What is important to remember is the storms are not signs that the end is here, but it is coming.  I would suggest that they are signs of our need for Jesus.  The talk of rumours of war, and nations against nations, is hard because war is a part of our world.  There is always one group going up against another.  

Jesus continues with more signs

  • v. 9 – You will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death

It should be noted that Jesus is talking about believers. In the build up to his Second Coming persecution will be part of the journey for followers of Jesus.  It will continue as the birth pain increase, and it does not end till near the end (see v. 31).  We also have the tension here that persecution is an experience of many believers today.

  • v. 10-11 – There is a rise of falling away and many false prophets appearing.

Each generation will have its falling away and false prophets.  But there seems to be an increase above the norm.  The challenge is,“What is the norm?” and  so becomes very hard to measure.    The church needs to be careful in saying one generation is more evil than another. We need to be reminded that as long as we follow Jesus, there will be temptations, and a battle to pull us away.

  • v. 14 -The gospel will be preached in the whole world.

What this will look like we simply do not know.  Many have shared this means a church or at least missionary in every people group of the world.    Tracking that may be hard, but we have the promise of the message going out even in the midst of challenging circumstance.

It is at this point we see an intensity of the birth pains taking place and perhaps closer together.  In verse 15-22 there is talk about a third temple that has been built.  It should be noted that as of 2014 this has not happened.  There is more that can be said about this section that space does not allow for.  You will have to look for future posts. These verses contain some big events. During this time there is a great desolation that takes place.   Not much is shared what that will look like, but I expect one should pray they are not around during that time. 

Like birth pains coming on quicker, this moment will not last as long.  There is a quick transition into the 3rd stage of signs.  This next phase of the birth pains comes in verse 28-31.  This is the final stage as the birth takes place.   During this final phase we see events take place in space, among the sun and moon with stars going out.  Then the crowning of the head begins in the birthing.  The sign of Jesus will appear in the sky.

We do not know what this sign is, but I expect we will know it when it comes.  Then we will see Jesus.

Then in Verse 31, God will gather his followers.  

There are two important thoughts Jesus wants us to take away from this conversation. These two things are related to the signs, but the signs are not the main point.  The first point is that:

1. God is sovereign

God is a God involved in history.  In the midst of the choices of people and the power of sin in our world, God is at work to bring about his will.  “Heaven and earth will pass away, but his words will never pass away”

The second thing we need to take away is:

2. Be not alarmed.

In the midst of all these signs Jesus has shared, this is not even what he wants us to understand.  Like the anxious husband, waiting for his wife to go into labour, wondering if it is time, so we too run the risk of doing the very same thing in our life.  Jesus on the other hand, shares in verse 8 and 13 what he is concerned about.

Be not alarmed. 

This does not mean we have to understand the time line of everything.  It does mean that we do not have to fear the circumstance and events taking place around us.

Stand firm in God and do not be alarmed.

In looking for end of time Signs, Don’t miss Jesus

Series: Matthew 24 – part 2

“The sky is falling, the sky is falling.”  These were the words I wrote in an email in 2000 AD to my wife-to-be; we were not dating yet.  In 1999 many were talking about the end of time, and how many things were going to come crashing down.  The Christian church in the 20th century was filled with such “sign” talk.  And, so it continues today.  Books fly off the shelf, and certain books of the bible are only seen as pertaining to the future, with no thought to the here and now.  However, the question of signs is a fair question.   Just how is Jesus going to come back?

This is part 2 of a series of posts (part 1, part 3) that are looking at the Second Coming of Jesus.  To help narrow the conversation for better reflection, this series of posts will be based on Jesus’ conversation in Matthew 24.

The disciples come to Jesus and ask, “When will the end come and what will be the signs?” (Matthew 24:3)

We are always looking for something.  There is a trust that comes with having knowledge.  The danger is that we  can put our hope in that knowledge and miss Jesus.  We put our hope and status and identity in the fact that we know what is coming.

For example, we pray and pray, “Lord show me the future, show me what I am to do.”  As if having that knowledge will give us peace.  What if Jesus said, “You are going to suffer”?  Will we try to change it so we do not?  In a way knowledge can give peace, but the real issue is control.  Be careful to not miss Jesus in your planning and controlling.

Many times we seek the sign so hard, that we actually seek the signs and not Jesus.  In Matthew 24:4-5, Jesus shares many will come in the likeness of himself, but they will not be Jesus.   They will come and deceive many, saying, “Let me show you how to find successes, and wealth,  and have every lasting peace.  However, it will not be a Christ-centered road. In speaking about the signs, Jesus warns us to be careful to not lose sight of the real Christ. One of the first signs Jesus shares here is the reality of deception.

As we journey this life we have many voices calling out to us.  “Follow me,” they say.  Jesus warns us we can be deceived; however, we must not lose sight of the voice of Jesus. There must be an active work on our part to test the voices and those claiming to be our hope.  I do wonder what this will look like.  Could it be a person, or perhaps a way of thinking that looks Christian, but once we dig deeper, we find it is not Jesus at all.

Staying connected to the word of God (Bible) is a foundational way to be able to hear the voice of Jesus clearly.

Sometimes in our pursuit to understand the end time calendar,  our fault has been in putting our hope in knowledge, and missing Jesus.  It is Jesus who is our hope, not the ability to understand everything.  It is not about understanding how all the signs work out, but it is about Jesus.

Another danger in seeking to understand the end time calendar is that we miss our calling in this life.  In seeking to understand the end of times, stay connected to the voice of Jesus. Be careful and watch out that you do not get hung up in things that pull you away from Jesus, and from living for his kingdom here and now.

In looking for end of time signs, don’t miss Jesus.

Next post we will look verse 6-14.

What question do you have from this passage?

Advent Can help Grow your Faith

0e1851833_series-4gsheaderThere is so much noise in life, and with the daily grind of life day in and day out, we can get a little lost.  Our culture can seem so dark at times, with so many running here and there.  Advent is about hope coming, and waiting on the Lord.

Advent is a season about waiting for the Lord.  It is season of seeking Jesus.  Advent is like the stones the Israelites used  when they set up a stone monument after crossing the river.   God did not tell the church to create advent, but perhaps the Holy Spirit secretly did.  We may never know, but Advent can be like those stones; A tool to remember who God is and what he has done.  Advent can be a reminder of our need, where we have come from, and where we are going.  When we understand who God is and what he has done, we find direction on who we are.

There is a place for the advent lighting in the larger community, but what will you practice in a smaller community and in your home.  How will you use this season to teach others about who God is?  How will you use this season to climb a mountain and meet with God? Then, celebrate on the 25th of December,  come back down and engage in mission work.

Advent challenges our daily grind, all is not lost.  Advent reminds us that God has not left us and hope is on its way. What will you seek the Lord for this advent season?

During the advent season what might you do differently to meet with God?

How will you search the Scriptures and everyday life to find Jesus?

What advent resources have you used to help journey in this season?


Here is a resource:

Advent devotional reading – pdf

How do we live in light of everything being torn down?

Series: Understanding the second coming – A study of Matthew 24

Part 1

It is not just about an end destination.  Even in the midst of talking about end times, Jesus was very concerned about how we are  living now. There is a danger in Christianity of just living for heaven, or as I got my ticket.  When we live that way, we miss out on what Jesus taught about living in this life. 

This series of posts will look at the Second Coming of Jesus.  To help narrow the conversation for better refection, this series of posts will be based on Jesus’ conversation in Matthew 24.

There is a neighbourhood in the Downtown of Ottawa that in the midst of a two to three year span saw two old church buildings sold.  These were buildings that had historical connections to the community.  Inside they were beautiful, but for one reason or another they closed their doors.  Today, we can look at these building from days gone by, or perhaps our own and say “Look Jesus is/was at this great building.”

In Matthew 24 the disciples did just that, as Jesus and the disciples left the temple. Instead of Jesus saying, “Yyes it is beautiful,” he shares the following:

24:2  “Do you see all  these things? he asked.  I tell you the truth not one stone here will be left on another; everyone one will be thrown down.”

Think about this for a moment, the temple was the pride and joy for the Jewish people.  Jesus it seems just dismisses it, saying it will not last.  Then, in the contexts of the passage we see Jesus talking about the end of ages.  In the midst of this conversation is the question of who we trust and who we are living for.

Where is your treasure?  This may seem strange because one wants to hear about end times.  However, Jesus is just as concerned about how we are living here and now.   Do you think your identity is wrapped up in what you have built and made?  Do you think that it is what brings acceptance from Jesus?  The gospel shares that God has accepted us, and calls us to trust him, not in the things of this world. The gospel shares our identity is now in Jesus.

As we begin this study on Matthew 24.  Where in your life are saying “Lord look at what we/I have built.”

Psalm 49:12-13 ” but man, despite his riches, does not endure; he is like the beast that perish. This is the fate of those who trust in themselves and of their followers, who approve their saying. ”

It is not our riches that will save us in the end. Are we working to build a great business or home?  What are our motives?  Perhaps they are pure, perhaps not. However, how do we live in light of everything being torn down?

Think about the place you live in right now.  In 100 years if it is still standing, you will not be there.  We put so much trust into the things of our life.  They do help bring meaning to us, and permanence in a life that will end at some point.  But they will end, Jesus does not.

For us it could be building a large organization, and the status we get from that, or family that looks good or big church programs across the city.  It could be rising in the ranks of our field, so all will look at us. But, not one stone will be left on another; everyone will be thrown down.

How do we live in light of everything being torn down?

Matthew 24:46 “It will be good for that servant whose master finds himself doing so when he returns”

Doing what?  Living for God’s glory.  We are not about living for the glory of the great business or church, but living for the glory of Jesus.  Jesus will last, the building will not.  Jesus is King, we are not.

As we look at the Second Coming of Jesus.  It is not about having all the answers, the best written books or the largest things.  It is about Jesus, who will endure forever.

Where your treasure is there your heart is also.