5 Practical Steps For Sharing The Gospel

Practical advice for sharing the gospel.

015While teaching at Sunnyside I have come back to a simple acrostic to help people live a rhythm of life that can open doors for sharing the gospel. I have heard this acrostic from so many different recourses, I am not even sure where it comes from any more.

Two reasons I think it is helpful:

1. It provides a pathway or guide-rails to create environments where gospel sharing can take place.

2. It takes something that can feel so large and breaks it into smaller steps.

Colossian 4:2-6

“Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart. Pray for us, too, that God will give us many opportunities to speak about his mysterious plan concerning Christ. That is why I am here in chains. Pray that I will proclaim this message as clearly as I should Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. 6 Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.

5 Practical Steps for Sharing the Gospel


Begin with prayer

I will pray for the people in my life and the places that I’m in – this could be in your neighbourhood, at the gym, the grocery store, etc.


I will listen to and discover the needs of others and the places where God is at work.


I will share meals and spend time with people in my life.

Check out an earlier post “Meals an avenues to share Gods peace”


I will respond to the needs of others and help them in practical and impactful ways.


I will share the story of Jesus and what He is doing in my life with others.

Even if you did two of these things in a day you would be better positioning yourself to share the gospel.

What rhythms have you found helpful in sharing the Gospel?

Gone Fishing: Taking the Summer off


Gone Fishing

Gone fishing. That is the hope anyway. Over the summer of 2015 I will be entering a season of rest. We have had a number of changes in our life and will be taking some time to rest during the summer. I have decided as well to take a break from blogging. I may still write a little for the fall, but it will be a much slower speed for my family. This will be my last post until September 2015.


How do you take rest?  What do you find restorative?



Walking, A place to start for sharing the gospel.

15528_between_waking_and_dreamingIn a three and half year span we moved into three different homes.  In each move we have continued to hold a core belief that where ever we live, whose path we may cross, we are to bear witness of Jesus.

In in each move I have said a simple prayer.  Lord Jesus, you died for my new neighbours, you love them more than I do.  Help me to see you here, help me to point my neighbours to you.  Help us to let them into our life and give us the boldness to share the gospel.

Now walking that path has not been easy.  It generally takes time to build relationships with people.  Strangely, in the last move we have started relationships faster than the last two. I have done good and bad things and I am still learning. With each move, I wondered how we would share the gospel.

Each community has a type of culture and to share the gospel you need to be aware of it.  I have learned there is something about getting out of the car or off the bus and walking that can completely change the perspective of a neighbourhood.  It slows you down to see details you may not see when you drive.  This would likely work better in an urban or suburban context, while driving may be a better option in rural areas.  However, walking your neighbourhood can help lay the foundation to spreading the gospel.

For many there is a mind shift that needs to happen.  As followers of Jesus, we need to see ourselves as missionaries.  Just as God has asked someone to share the gospel in a different context then from where you live, Jesus calls you to love your neighbour.

Viewing yourself as a missionary in the workplace, school class rooms, and social circles of your city is a must.  Jesus calls us to join him in his mission.  Will you join him?

Walking has always been part of my family’s life. In good weather we love to walk after supper as the night begins to cool.  As we have walked the areas we live in, I have prayed for those living in the homes we pass.  I have asked God to open my eyes to where he already is at work, and to show me the needs and idols of this community.

As you walk your neighbourhood you are in observation mode.  What do you see?  Based on what you see, what does that tell you about the people that live here?  What does that tell you about yourself? Let these observations and answers guide your prayer time.

If you are looking to live with purposeful mission, start by walking in your neighbourhood and learning about it.

What tips do you have? I would love to hear your experience on reaching your community.

An Observation Concerning Evangelism


How we treat people can become their image of Jesus. 5233_Beautiful_Beach

A young lady had come to our gathering for a few weeks, and asked to meet with me.  We met and I answered her questions as best as I could.  Then, we did not see her for some time.  I wondered if I scared her off or what had happened.  However, she began to come to our gathering. Almost two years later the church was entering a new season, as was this young lady.   She shared about how when she first came she was wrestling with religion, who Jesus was and how to follow him.  She shared about how over her time with us, we just let her watch.  We let her join in small groups and become part of our life.  We allowed her to ask questions, and she watched. She shared that through this experience, she found Jesus. We revealed to her who Jesus was.

How we treat people can become their image of Jesus.

God’s intention is that through the church the world would know Jesus.  One thing I have observed is that for many their first view of Jesus is not based on a personal knowledge of the scriptures or study, but upon how they have been treated. Or, by what they have observed of an individual or community who claim to be Jesus followers.

Today, people will often belong to a community before they become a follower of Jesus. The church is to be transformed by the gospel, surrendered to Jesus, and God’s intent is for people observe us.

Jesus shares they will know him by how we love – that is how we live.  People will first understand who Jesus is based upon what they observe in the body of Christ.  Most faith stories I am aware of included at some level watching the body of Christ follow Jesus.

How we treat people becomes their image of Jesus.

In many ways that is a scary thing and yet a high privilege.  One question we need to ask is:

“How do we invite people to journey with us, that they may watch this alternative community Jesus is creating?”

We need to be careful we are not serving those around us in order to look good, or to receive their affirmation.  That will only reveal we have not surrendered to the gospel.

Action Step

A practical step is to make time for people, share our life and listen to their life story. This is not about getting to know everyone.  What if you just start over the next six months with one or two people?

Jesus shares in Matthew 5:16, Let your light shine, that is give such good service towards others, letting others see how Jesus has transformed your life, that they will glorify God.

What does your life reveal about Jesus? What does that say about your walk with Jesus? What is God saying to you?