Setting Financial Goals in your Marriage

Many couples have different ideas about money and other topics. Many just focus on short term goals and do not think about longer goals. One of the best things you can do is sit down and come to the same page.  

Steps to strengthen your marriage and set financial plans. 

Grab the Marriage and Financial Goals pdf exercise. 

Enter your email and gain access to the pdf worksheet that you can use to set financial goals in your marriage.
  1. Schedule an hour of undisturbed time. 
  2. Take the pdf and print one for each of you.  
  3. Take the first 15 minutes and answer the questions.
    1. Short term Goals (six months to one year)
    2. Long term Goals (one to five years)
  4. Now it is Discussion time. Come together and work through the following questions.
    1. Each take your list and share it back and forth. Do not discuss if you can do it; just listen to each other.  
    2. What is the difference, and what is the commonality?
    3. Decide together as a couple on your shared goals.
    4. Talk about how each of you will contribute to making this happen.

You are not alone in this journey. Here is where I can help. I can help you develop this financial plan and financial foundations for your family and empower you today.

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