A Plan For A Personal 90-Day Goal Review

A Plan For A Personal 90-Day Goal Review

90-day goal-setting is one of the great tools that have helped me in my life. It is not too long to procrastinate, though that is still possible. It is also short, so I have to get going at it. 90-day goals have helped me reach my yearly goals.

Here is a 10 step plan to do your 90-day review time.

Pre-review time

  1. Schedule the time with a little margin on both ends
  2. Set the location?

During time

3. What are you most excited about from the last 90 days?

4. How did I recharge over the past 90 days?

5. Review my past 90 day goals

a)What were they?

b) How far did I get?

c)What is left to do?

6. What pivot should happen to my yearly goals? (if no annual goals skip ahead)

7. What are my next 90 day goals?

8. What are the action steps for each of those goals?

9. Calendar time – Schedule, book and review the calendar.

10. Go for a walk

What have you found helpful to you? What is your most significant obstacle in a 90-day goal review?

4 Rhythms to Strengthen personal productivity – part  4

4 Rhythms to Strengthen personal productivity – part 4

This is part 4 of a series where I share my system for productivity.  I am still on this journey and do not have it all figured out, nor do I do it all perfect.  

I was first introduced to the idea of “The power of 90 days” through Jonathan Milligan

The idea of using the 90-day cycle is something that took root in my life.  It was manageable and was one of the first times I took the managing of energy and time in my life seriously.  It was a way of taking the big picture of the year and breaking it down into smaller steps.

Now each of my systems is interconnected. However, I find this one to be significant in moving to accomplish growth or productivity.  In the next post, I will speak about my yearly system.

There are two components to it

  1. Review and establish
    1. At the end/Beginning of the quarter, I take a moment to pull away.  This can range anywhere from a full to half day. In my full day slots, I add some extra personal/spiritual growth exercises.  
    2. During this time, I review the past quarter.  I ask did I reach the goals I set out to do. If I did not, why did I not and what needs to change.  I look at what can I celebrate, and I hope to get better at sending thank you cards to those who helped me along the way.  
    3. I also look at my task list and try to clean up my to-do list and prioritize it.  I tend to have an ongoing list of task that some times are connected to larger goals or just the routine of my job/life   
  2. Review my yearly goals and set my quarterly goals.  I will pick 1-3 of my annual goals to work on during a particular quarter.  Then I ask what 2-5 goals I need to reach to accomplish those yearly goals are.  

Once I have my 90 days goals.  I take them and write them on the inside of my planner and post on the wall in my office.  For me, this serves as a reminder of what I need to have as the focus.

Allow for Pivot’s

Life has a way of not going how we thought or planned.  Some times there is a need to make a pivot in a yearly goal or direction.  By planning 90 days at a time, one is better positioned to estimate what needs and what can get done.  Some times one needs to make a pivot. This is a great time to do that.

Check out the other post in the Series

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3