The Third Step to Debt freedom

The Third Step to Debt freedom

My family was planning a trip, and it was going to take 24 hours to drive to get to our destination. I sat down with a physical map, google maps and search engine, to pick the roads we would drive and places we would stop. Once we had the plan, we gave lots of freedom to adapt as circumstances changed. Like I should not have got that big drink at lunch.

The same is true in gaining freedom from your debt. It would help if you had a plan. It is crazy people spend more time planning a vacation than they do on retirement or finding debt freedom.

(Check out the first two steps here)

However, if you spend just a little bit of time, we can create a plan together that will get you debt-free.

Do you have a plan? When was the last time you looked at that plan? Have you gotten sidetrack from your destination? Do you want fresh eyes to help. This is where a financial coach can help?

You see, a plan tells your money what to do, instead of it telling you what to do. What option do you want?

To help you in creating a plan here is a free budget tracker and tool.

Let’s meet for a free 60 min zoom coaching call, and I can share how I can help, and we can do a free financial analysis.

The First step to debt freedom

The First step to debt freedom

Debt makes you a slave. Are you ready to break free from Debit?

The first step if you want to get out of Debit is to choose to. So much of our life is about choices.

Even in 2020, with COVID in Canada, the debt load went down a little. However, on average, Canadians are still spending $1.50 to 1.70 for every $1 of disposal income.

When you choose to get out of debt, great things can happen. This is where I can help with an Expert Financial Analysis. In a part of that report, we talk about debt and how to say goodby.

Let’s say you have a $3,000 dollar debt payment each month. We can present a plan to find debt freedom. But it does not stop there. After you conquer that debt, you take that $3,000 a month and invest it for just eight years at 8%. You have the possibility of saving just over $399,000.

This is not possible without first deciding you want to do this.

To help you along the way, download this free budget tracker and planner.

Part 2, Part 3