The markets are down now what?

The markets are down now what?

Don’t Get Caught in the roller coaster of investments? Watching markets go up and down can be stressful, especially when your money goes down.

Off and on, my wife and I have played around with growing food in a garden. One year we decided let’s try potatoes. We had never grown potatoes. I remember reading about it, and someone even gave us some potatoes to get started.

I remember planting them, and wondering are they growing, how long does it take. When you plant something, you do not dig it up and check on it every day.

No, you let it sit, and sure enough, we had plants coming up.

One of the more recent things we have tried is a raspberry bush. We are hoping it will grow along the one fence. We did not get much out of it the first year. In the second year, it grew well and started producing. Early the following year, we did a significant cut back on the bush. My wife was nervous, but I said watch. Sure enough, that bush came back and grew bigger than before, and we had a good harvest.

How does this all relate to investments?

Suppose you invested $10 000 in the year 2000 and left it till 2020. You would have experienced three downs and three up times. In those downs, you would have felt like pulling out. But if you stayed, your $10,000 would have turned into $30,000.

It is tempting to pull out, but to do so will have a significant impact on your growth. You still need to massage and make sure you are diversified ( a good fund manager can help with that) along the way.

Don’t get on the emotional roller coaster of the markets.

What to learn how to be in the 25% who retire with more than 100K? Let’s talk.

How I can help you with investments.

How I can help you with investments.

Picture going to an airport. Two planes are leaving for your destination. One has a pilot, and one is unmanned.

Which one would you rather board?

For years my father worked for a company that made airplanes. He built jets for companies and people’s private personal use. I do not build airplanes, nor am I an airline pilot, but I am like a pilot.

When you fly, you have three goals.

a)You want to take off and land safely
b)You want to arrive at the proper destination, and
c)You want to get there on time.

I want you to think of me as a pilot, not just a financial services representative. As your pilot of your investment program, those are my goals as well.

First thing you need to know if investments were an airplane. I did not build the airplane; an investment company did. I am trained and positioned in a relationship with those companies who have put years of experience and expertise into providing a solid, reliable aircraft.

Along the way, if we experience mechanical difficulties, like a dividend being cut or an account temporarily falling in value, keep in mind your destination. Don’t bail out in mid-flight.

Second, you need to know a pilot does not create the weather; a pilot reacts to it.

As a pilot of the investment airplane, I may tell you to look out the window at the peaceful scene, or I may tell you to fasten your seatbelts because there may be rough weather ahead. Whatever the conditions, know that I am at the controls, working to carry you to your chosen destination, safely and on time. This may involve a temporary change in course, which I can guide you through. Or, it may mean bracing yourself as we fly through a patch of turbulence. I’m asking you to put your faith in myself and my team’s experience and judgement to decide which choices to make as we go along.

Think of it this way.

When you go to that airport, two planes are leaving for your destination. One has a pilot, and one is unmanned.

Which one would you rather board?

That is what I do, I spend the time to find you the best route and plan. I stay trained to keep that plane going to your destination safely so that you get there.

How can I help you reach your financial destination?

Estate planning – What is a Segregated Fund?

Estate planning – What is a Segregated Fund?

Why would you even look at a Segregated Fund?

Segregated Funds are one good tool to help in Estate planning. Especially if you have money set aside that you want to leave to a certain beneficiary. Some individuals may like the security that comes with the death benefit.

What is a Segregated Fund?

Segregated funds are offered by insurance companies and have some uniqueness and characteristics that do not apply to traditional mutual funds. They combine the growth potential of investments with insurance protection.

Many provide a guarantee to protect the principal of the money you invest, Even if the fund loses money, you will get back a portion or all of your principal investment. There are also resets along the way, the reset is a guarantee on the current value if you should die. However, you have to hold your investment for a certain length of time to benefit from the guarantee.

Here are seven uniqueness of Segregated Funds.

  1. Guarantee in the event of death and upon maturity.
  2. Potential to lock in Growth – This is a reset option on the growth of the investment, it becomes the guarantee upon death.
  3. Investments are exempt from seizure by creditors. -This can be helpful for those with a business wanting to protect assets.
  4. quick access to investments in the event of death. – There is no need to go through probate, and your beneficiaries can receive the money sooner.
  5. Increased level of confidentiality. – These can be important for those who do not want people to know how much their assets are. As it is not part of the public record.
  6. Avoiding probate. – Probate can eat up a percentage of the estate, that is not the case with segregated funds.
  7. Assuris protection ( – In the event that the company fails, this organization provides protection for Canadian policyholders, protecting their guarantee.

Are Segregated Funds for you?

Perhaps, perhaps not. It depends on what are your goals and needs.

This is why you need to do a Financial analysis that looks at your needs, current situation, goals and what are your options. Each person needs a financial plan unique to them.

I can help you with that. Let’s start with a free 60 min meeting and walk you through our complimentary financial analysis. This will confirm where you are at and where you want to go and what your best options are and create a plan to get there.

Fill out the form now, why wait, it will cost you nothing and give you the assurance of what your next steps need to be.

Getting your financial house together

Getting your financial house together

Having debt enslaves us and holds us back. But you already know that.

In this short series we will share 3 steps to help you find debt freedom.

Part 1 – Mind Set

Part 2 – Where are you

Part 3 – The plan

Are your ready to start –

Life insurance or prepaid funeral

Life insurance or prepaid funeral

Making a plan for final expenses is an important part of serving your family and managing your financial house.

There is a cost that comes with dying. There are options you have in helping cover those costs.

One option is a prepaid funeral or life insurance policy.

A Prepaid funeral lets you pay upfront for your funeral. Most let you set up the type of funeral you want and cover most, but not all of the expenses related to your funeral. Typical, you pay a lump sum or monthly installments. Any interest earned on the money is used to help pay the increased cost in the future. One advantage is you lock in cost at today’s prices.

A life insurance policy gives you and your family some flexibility. As well, it could give your beneficiaries a more considerable death benefit. The death benefit could be used to cover all the funeral costs and extra costs that will come with closing your estate. I would suggest alongside that have a conversation and write out in your will or other documents your wishes for your funeral. That part will not cost you, just some time.

Many have chosen prepaid funeral because they want to get everything taken care of for their family. However, with the same about of energy one can choose life insurance and still make those plans they want to.

Before you jump into that prepaid funeral. Hit the pause button and let me compare and look at the options that you have. Those options will be better for you and your loved ones. It will not cost you anything. There is no obligation, lets just talk about options. Let’s set up a 60 min meeting over zoom.