Understanding the Second Coming of Jesus – Matthew 24

Jesus said that he would come back.  What did Jesus teach about this coming and what we call the “end of time”?  There have been so many predictions and timeline-building, but what did Jesus actually teach?jesuscoming

In my life I have gotten caught up in end time frenzy of books and conversation,. only to become confused,  full of questions.  There are many passages in scripture that speak about an end time.  Quite honestly, they are confusing and I am convinced not as easy to understand as some have come to believe.

As a follower of Jesus, I understand that our faith is about salvation of past sins and eternal life.  However, it is not just about an end destination.  Even in the midst of talking about end times, Jesus was very concerned how we were living now. There is a danger in Christianity of just living for heaven, or as I got my ticket, and missing out on much that Jesus taught about life.

This series of posts is going to provide short reflections on the Second Coming of Jesus, and the end times.  To help narrow the conversation for better refection, the posts will be based on Jesus’ conversation in Matthew 24. The Second Coming conversation is one that has frustrated me, and exited me at moments.

What questions do you have around this passage or topic?


Series: The Second coming according to Matthew 24

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 

Why Go to Church?

Why go to church? dowtnown 1

Behind such a question is a need to understand the purpose of church. We live in an age with information at our finger tips so why would we go to church?”  Some might think, ‘I can gain good information without having to go anywhere.’ However, church is more than just information.  Kenneth Schak shares in his post what pastors should know about the bible:  “The bible is not just about information but transformation.”

The same can be said about the church.  It is a people who have embraced the gospel of Jesus, and who bear witness to the gospel, and who act as a catalyst for transformation  not only in their own lives but also in the lives of others.  In the West, we struggle with the stereotype that  going to church is about a building and meaningless ritual.  However, this is not Jesus’ intention.

Ephesians 2:10 “His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms”

From the beginning, in Genesis, God has called a people to be in relationship with him and each other, and be his witness and stewards of his creation/kingdom.

Therefore, three reasons to “Go to Church” are:

1. We are called to be together.

2. The intention is that the  “Jesus community” becomes a place for the fruit of the spirit to be developed in each of us. .

3. We bear witness together.

John 13:35 – By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Perhaps it is the wrong question to ask “Why go to church.”  Implied in the question is a certain form or expression.  A better question to ask is, “What is the purpose of the church?”

The gathering of God’s people in a local setting is part of our new identity as disciples of Jesus.  The shape of that will look different over the years.

To follow Jesus means to gather with his people.

What do you find to be the joys and challenge of the spiritual discipline of gathering with Jesus followers?