Tips for Looking for God in My Life

Where is Jesus in my life? Do you find yourself wondering where God is in your journey?  We all find our self in a season at times, where we struggle to see God leading us.

Looking for God in your life? DSC01808

After service one day in the midst of a conversation someone shared with me.  You know I really think the way God works today is in small ways.  He shared we need to have eyes to see the small little L.E.D lights.  The lights are God at work, and as you see them they start to light our path.  They are God’s way of lighting your path.  But you have have to have eyes to see.

This is some great wisdom from a fellow believer on the journey with us.  So just where in your life have you seen the L.E.D lights?  Over the last week, month, 3 months, six months, year, where have the L.E.D lights been found?  Take a moment and write them down, where are you seeing God?  Is it in that small conservation? Perhaps someone was able to give you the words to express yourself?  Perhaps something unexpected?  Still struggling to start  a list, try writing out what you are thankful for. I am sure that will lead you to some L.E.D lights.

Here are four starting tips for looking for Jesus in our life.

1. Faith in Jesus

This is not a cop out.  Seriously, you have to believe and understand that God is at work.  Do you believe that God is great?  If he is, then you do not have to be in control of everything.  If we do not have faith that God is good enough, then we will look elsewhere for satisfaction.  In a way faith is what helps us get through the long waiting time.  It is like the oil the virgins carried or did not carry with them in Matthew 25.  Faith is about trusting that God is leading your life.  Faith is about following that call of God in your life.   Sometimes we struggle to see him because we allow the waves to be greater than he is.  We put more faith in something other than Jesus.

Make the choice today to trust Jesus.

2. Look for him.

Take a moment and look back.  Where do you see the little L.E.D lights that are the God moments in your life?   There is a good chance it was small, a conversation here, an impression to go left instead of right.  Do you see it, along your journey?  A conversation with a person, who just opened doors that were not there.  Perhaps it was physical doors or doors inside of you.   This is about asking the question, “Where am I seeing God at work?”  Where is the kingdom of God or God pushing into your life?  Why are you seeing this happen?  Why is this happening? What are you going to do now?

Take a moment and write it down.  Write down the God moments in your life.

3. Gathering with God’s community for Worship 

I have watched people as they are  going through challenging times.  They gather with God’s people, and as we pray, sing and teach, God’s spirit softens their  hearts.  There is something about gathering with a healthy community of God’s people that can help bring proper perspective.  For many, this is the only time to pause, and be still and know God.  Our eyes begin to be opened to the L.E.D lights and we see the light on our path.  As we gather with God’s people we will listen to the stories of others, and through their journey God will speak to us about our journey.   Transformation takes place in community.

4. Spend time in God’s word

Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path”

Let the Scriptures remind you about who God is and what he has done.  As you understand and embrace that, you  can then understand who you  are and understand the path you are to walk.

Do you find yourself looking for Jesus in your life?  Try these four rhythms to see the L.E.D. lights.

Pre-marriage Counselling: What is it all About?

ring on bibleEvery pastor will have his or her different ways or recommendations on this subject.  It is always something I recommend for any couple looking to get married.  Pre-marriage counselling is for the young, old, and yes even if this is a second marriage or more.  Each situation is different and unique.

“Counselling can give you insights into where your particular relationship dynamics might be heading in the wrong direction.” ( Lynne Foote )

When I sit with a couple who have sought me out for pre-marriage counselling, there are three objectives I have. They are:

1. Understand the gospel/biblical perspective of marriage.

Just what does the gospel say about marriage?  Check out this post on “How Does the Gospel Inform us on Marriage?”

2. Understand your relationship dynamics – This involves two aspects:

Understanding yourself and your  partner and how the two interact

at the moment at Sunnyside Wesleyan Church (2014) we are using a program called

Teaching life and relationship skills

Taking time to reflect upon yourself and your relationship will only help generate a stronger relationship.

“Premarital therapy sessions will give you the opportunity to discuss things that do not come up in normal conversations, such as hurtful past experiences, sex, and expectations. ” ( Racheal Tasker)

3. Affirmation

This may seem strange but the process is there to help with discernment.   The intention is that the couple would get married.  However, this also provides a healthy environment for assessment of the commitment one is going to make.  Marriage is not just a declaration about current love, but a resolution for the future.

What has been your experience with pre-marriage counselling?  What questions do you have about it?

Why Read the Psalms?

psalmReading the Psalms should be an essential part of your journey with Jesus.

Music and scent have this power to take us to places from our past.  They help us engage the present, and when we bring those together, can give hope for the future.  N.T. Wright shares that the Book of Psalms are a place where space, time and matter come together.  They allow us to draw upon God in the past for the present, and carry us forward into the future.  Historically, the Psalms have played a huge role in the life of God’s people.  They are humanity seeking God, full of emotion and every kind of human experience.

The Psalms are poems, prayers, and songs of a community’s faith journey.

Bob Deffinbaugh has some good basic information here on What is a Psalm?

In his Reflection on the Psalms, C.S. Lewis shares the following:

“What must be said, however, is that the Psalms are poems, and poems intended to be sung: not doctrinal treatises, nor even sermons.” (Lewis, C S (2014-06-25). Reflections on Psalms (Kindle Locations 25-26).  . Kindle Edition. )

“Most emphatically the Psalms must be read as poems; as lyrics, with all the licences and all the formalities, the hyperboles, the emotional rather than logical connections, which are proper to lyric poetry. They must be read as poems if they are to be understood; no less than French must be read as French or English as English. Otherwise we shall miss what is in them and think we see what is not.”  (Lewis, C S (2014-06-25). Reflections on Psalms (Kindle Locations 29-32).  . Kindle Edition.)

Understanding this can help us engage the Psalms in our journey with Jesus.

Here are three reasons to read the Psalms:

1. Every human situation and emotion is found in the psalms.

Found in these poems is almost every human emotion, and many situations we can relate to.  They are raw emotion, a person seeking God in the midst of life.  In return, this helps us along the journey of life.

We have all been there, with no words to say before God, and yet our bodies hurt and scream out to God.  The Psalms can help us to express ourselves to God.

2. They are a conduit to live at a crossroads, where God space and our space come together.

N.T.  Wright drew me in this direction.  They can become a place where we pull the faithfulness of God from the past, to the present, leading to hope for the future.

3. Jesus used them.

The Psalms were a prayer book for the early Jesus followers, and for Jesus himself. There is good historical support for their guidance in the life of the church.

There are perhaps more reasons, but let me encourage you to engage the Psalms for the first time or afresh.   Maybe one chapter added onto your regular reading or   a fast overview read through.

N.T. Wright shares; “The Psalms contain unique poetry expressing the biblical faith in God as Creator, Redeemer, judge, lover, friend, adversary—the whole lot. There is nothing like them. The Psalms go right to the depths of the human emotions—they don’t just skate along the top. They explore what the great promises of God mean and what we do when those promises do not seem to be coming true.”.  .

Engage the psalms and let them guide you in seeking God.

How do you use the Psalms in your journey with Jesus?