3 Challenges to my Physical fitness

3 Challenges to my Physical fitness

hikingIf you want to enter, engage and experience the life you were created for you must develop personal care.

It was the spring of 2015 and I was in the midst of some evaluation in my life. I realized during this exercise that I had not been taking care of my physical self. I had gained weight, I had not kept good rhythms in my sleep life, and though I ice fished, it was not enough physical activity.



Seven months later I have been consistently going to the gym and watching more of what I eat. Personally, there were three tough steps I had to take to redevelop the habit of physical activity.



1. Eating


I love to eat and I can eat a lot. I eat when I am stressed. I eat in times of celebration. I eat when I am bored. However, I had to get my physical eating under control. The next seven months were a challenge, but there were two things that were helpful to me:


A. I gave myself a cheat day. My cheat day was Friday. My reason for is this was that Friday was family night and so I loosened up on what I ate that day.

B. I have been using the app “myfitnesspal” to help track what I eat. It is not perfect, but it started to help me track what I eat. Slowly I would make changes.


Seven months later I still struggle with this but have become more aware of what I eat and am making better choices. I do not think this battle will go away, but controlling my food and not being controlled by it must stay at the for front in order for me to embrace, enter and engage the life God has created me to live.


2. Timewatch1


I remember sitting in a coaching setting and being asked “do you want to do it?” “Yes” was my answer. “Then how will you make it happen?” “ I need to schedule it.”

If I was not going to block off time, then I really did not want to make it happen. The truth was I had to work around work and family. I had a conversation with my wife about how I could make it happen in our life. I still struggle with taking charge of my time as each week comes with new challenges. I have had to learn to be flexible , to have a plan, and to be creative. At the same time though, I need to remind myself not to worry about what I have missed, and instead push ahead and stay on track the next day.


3. Mental


This is the hardest one in many ways. The crazy thing is after I go to the gym I feel so good. Sometimes though, I believe the lie that other things are more important. There are, however, some things that may be just as important. I have learned that if I do not take care of myself, I cannot be all that God created me to be.

I have had to remember the why factor in this process many times. For me, there are a few why elements. Two of them are:


a. To feel better about myself and deal with stress.

b. It helps me to improve the quality of my work.


I have had to give myself permission to go to the gym. I have to say no to other things so that I can go to the gym. I have to give grace to myself when I missed the schedule and not give up but pick up at where I should be in the moment.


I am not sure where you are at or if you can relate to one of these struggles I have. However, taking care of your physical self is a crucial element of your life.

If you want to enter, engage and experience the life you were created for you must develop personal care. Seven months later I am doing better and I celebrate that. I still have areas I would like to improve on and I keep on that journey one step at a time.


What about you? What are your struggles? Any tips?


What are the habits you need to develop to better take care of yourself?

Pray a different way

ocean 2 bA Group of people were on a boat and a great mountain stood in their way.  Up out of the water this mountain arose, not letting them pass.  They began to pray and pray and pray, but the mountain did not move.  They asked God to remove the mountain and prayed more but still nothing.  Then one of the persons, who was enlightened by the Holy Spirit said, “We should pray that the water would rise up over the mountain.  Then we can float over it.” They begin to pray a different way, and the water rose and the boat was able to float over the mountain.
Rev. Atef shared this story when he spoke at the Downtown site of Sunnyside Wesleyan Church in 2013. It was one of the images my small group talked about at greater length. We could ask ourselves how might we pray differently then we currently do. Yes, sometimes we are called to wait, but what if we are praying for something that is just not going to happen.

Sometimes we need to ask the Spirit how we should pray.  How should we pray in light of this mountain in front of us?  How should we live in light of this mountain standing in front of us? 
What if you let go of how you think it should be removed and asked God?  What if there is a different way to see the mountain and circumstances change? 

We are so afraid sometimes to see things differently, but maybe that is us trying to control the situation. I do not have all this prayer stuff worked out, but what if you need to pray differently?

What do you think?