The Second Step to Debt freedom

The Second Step to Debt freedom

Last time, we talked about the first step to debt freedom. You can read it here. 

My girls and I were out for a Hike, and we were following the path and trail makers. However, at some point, I said, you know it feels like we are going in the wrong direction. It had been some time since I looked at the map. So I brought up an app on my phone with the GPS, and sure enough, we had taken a side trail. It took a few minutes to get our bearings and figure out what direction we need to go in. We backtracked and found where we should have gone left instead of right. 

When we found out we were not where we wanted to be; we had to assess just where we were and where we wanted to be. The same is true in our finances.  

The second step to find debt freedom is to find out where you are and where you want to go.  

The advantage of working with me is, each person we take a financial analysis. The goal is finding out your dreams and goals and just where the money is going. It helps give a reset in direction. Then based on what you want, suggest a path forward.  

You can not get out of your debt until you choose to and take an analysis of just where you are at. Just like when I was hiking, we had to figure out where we wanted to go and where we were. 

Taking the time to write out those details can be a significant step on the path to debt freedom.