Five tips to help move away from a scarcity mindset

Five tips to help move away from a scarcity mindset

tunnel eye640x427Do you see the glass half full or half empty?

When we have a scarcity mindset, we can think we are not smart enough, or recognized enough, or have enough space.  It stops us and keeps us from moving forward.


Having a scarcity mindset pushes our focus to unfulfilled needs. We forget about who God says we are and our definition of success gets out of alignment. We will make the lack of things larger than God.  A scarcity mindset becomes a problem for us as we try to fully enter, engage and experience the life we were created for.


Shahram Heshmat shares that scarcity makes us “myopic.”  That means that we show “bias toward the here and now, the present scarcity, and we overvalue the immediate benefits at the expense of future ones.”  He shares that we only look at the urgent and fail to invest in future benefits:[1]


Five things that can help us move away from the scarcity mindset.


  1. What are you focusing on?

What we focus on matters. We may only see the glass half empty and forget that it is half full. We forget what we actually have. By doing this, we are held back in our potential.


  1. Value and identity are not based on abundance, but who I am in Christ.

When I have a scarcity mindset often I have lost sight of what I value and am struggling with my identity.  I am feeling insecure because I am putting my identity in things that are insecure.  I am feeling lost because I have lost sight of the values that drive my life.

If we are willing to listen and be pushed, God has a way, most of the time, of slowly reminding us who we are.


  1. I do have something to rejoice in.

Philippians 4:11 “…for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have.”

Paul in Philippians 4 speaks about rejoicing and by the end of the chapter connects it to being content. There are many things in our life that we can be thankful for.  Often it is when I have entered a scarcity mindset that I have left behind a thankful heart.  I have failed to see what I do have.


  1. Live in the mission.

This is about entering, engaging and experiencing the life I was created for.  This is about understanding my experiences and skills, and strengthens and passions and living them out.  This is about looking at where I am and asking how I can have a kingdom impact in this season.   I look at how I can invest in others around me.

Personally,  I bounce in and out of that scarcity mindset more than I would like.  I am thankful for the community of God and his word and Jesus who keep calling me back.

A scarcity mindset, however, does have one positive element to it.   It does have the ability to help us focus and prioritize our life.


  1. Physical health

If I am tired, I increase the chances of entering the scarcity mindset.  How we are doing with our self-care is important to keep up on.


How about you?


Are you willing to walk a new journey and take a step or two away from the scarcity mindset?


How about you start with thankfulness.  Begin to create a list over the next 7 days of two things you are thankful for.


Here are two resources:

Pastor Brent Russet sermon “ The Scarcity mindset”

Juliana Park has a great list on “Do you have a scarcity Mindset: 10 symptoms”

[1] “How does being poor change the way we feel and think?”