A habit to master your to-do list

A habit to master your to-do list 

The problem with our to-do list is they get disorganized. We can look at all that needs to be done and feel overwhelmed. We can lose focus. We can start our week running, but end up doing a task or focusing on a project in the wrong order.  

I was listening to a talk by Zig Ziglar who said 

Each Sunday night, I take time to do two things. 

 First, in 2019, my wife and I started to meet Sunday afternoon or night, and we would review the week coming up. We take a look at what appointments are happening and when one of us is in or out. It allows us to be on the same page and know what to expect. It does not mean things do not change, but it gets us a game plan and gets us on the same page. 

Second, I pull away again just by myself to review my work week. I consider my projects and people I need to meet with that week.  I ask what is leftover from the last week and reorganize the to-do list for the coming week. I even take the time to schedule some of those tasks. For example, I have an office day that some tasks are better to do then. So I schedule them as an appointment.  

The reorganizing allows me to say ok these are my first things to do this week. 

Do you want to master your to-do list?

Take the time to do a weekly review. It does not have to belong. Try it this week. 

1)Schedule a time 

2) At the time set a timer for 15 min.  

3) Review the week and organize the to-do list. 

I have found the weekly review to be of great value in helping master my to-do list.