Worry less about motivation and think habits

I have been thinking about motivation. How do we find it? Do we need it? What is the definition of motivation?  

The dictionary definition of motivation carries with it the idea of our reason or why that pushes us forward.  

One might ask what motivated them to do that? A good question as it gets to the why of a movement. 

In everyday conversation, however, some might say I need to find the motivation to get this done. As if it is like some extraordinary power out there, we need to drum up. But what if that is the wrong road?

Now hear me finding the why to our goal or task I believe to be necessary. Any time I sit down with someone to help them develop goals, often I will ask why is that important?  

I am wondering what if it is less about finding motivation, and has more to do with developing habits and rhythms and routines that lead to the goal we want to reach.  

I suspect for many people. It is in the routine or rhythms of life that distract us and take us off course. It is not an easy task to develop a new habit or to do something a different way. Many times it can hurt, at least in the short term.  

As I write this, I am wondering what if it is habits that lead to motivation. An object can sit still and never move, but an object in motion generally stays that way. There is even the possibility it can increase. A question we most likely need to ask is short term routine do I need to change or adapt or schedule to start to move me in a direction.  

At this point, I am wondering, so how do I make the starting point easier?

This idea also means I do not sit around for something to inspire me, I know my reason, and so schedule a habit.  

I may have to work through my obstacles, but those are not there because of a lack of motivation.  

What are one or two habits over the next 30 days you need to implement to reach your goal?  

What do you think? Is it motivation or habits?

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