Stupid things we do

Stupid things we do

I was listening to a part of a talk by Jordan Peterson. He gave a great question that we need to ask now and then.  

“What remarkable stupid things am I doing on a regular basis to absolutely screw up my life.”

-Jordan Peterson

My experience has been most of us do not take a look at our life and take responsibility for our choices. Too often, we blame other people and forget the power that we do have. 

Remember your habits and attitude as you look at establishing your goals and creating a plan to reach them.   Remember, your habits and your attitude are where the power is that will direct your life.  

It is about what we choose. We often fail to recognize what we are getting from the thing that is not good for us. It is meeting a need, even if it does not push us in the direction we want. 

So what is one stupid thing that you are doing that is screwing up your life that you will begin to change and create a new habit.  

Your habits help build a strong bridge to where we want to go?

Why do you need to change this?

What rhythm do you need to develop to move into a new habit?

Happy New. 

Goal setting – own your choices

Goal setting – own your choices

We have a choice.

In 2019 one of the habits I worked on was going to the gym. As 2019 comes to a close, I can proudly share that most of the weeks, I went anywhere from 1-3 times a week. I still have work in this area to reach, but for me, 1-3 times is a win.  

I was reminded once again that reaching goals is about choice. I choose to go to bed at a reasonable time or not. I decide to prepare my bags, so when I get up earlier, it makes it easier to go. I also found preparing the night before, helped me go. 

As I look back over the year and some coaching conversations I have had with people, this has been the challenge to reaching goals, making a choice.  

Making choices means you do not get to do something else.

As you set your goals for the new season ahead, you have options, and you have choices.  

We need to start by accepting the facts and the circumstances we are in.  

We may not like the limits we are in, but they are there.  

If we are going to reach our goals, one of the realities we are going to have to face is the choice to move in their direction.  

What choices are you going to make right now that will transform your life?  

As you set goals for the next season, what are you going to choose to change?

I took a class at the gym every Monday, almost every Monday I had to choose to set the alarm and decide to get my butt out of bed and go for the 7 am class. Yes, there were some Mondays I missed for different reasons. However, I was there for most.  

What choices are you going to have to make in the new year to reach your goals?

As you set those goals, start with just a few small wins. Small wins will get you further in the long run.

Yes, it is about choices. Own your choices and the consequences.  

Are you looking for help in reaching those goals? Let me teach you a system that can help?

Reasons I do not reach my goals.

Reasons I do not reach my goals.

Failing to reach your goals can be a hard reality to face. However, let’s face the music about why we failed. Here are four reasons that often lead to not reaching goals in my life. 

1. I did not review the goals each day and week.

You have to keep the goals in front of you and the steps you need to take to reach them. It is about focus, and when you do not review them and make sure they take priority, other things will take that space. 

2. I did not have quarterly reviews and make pivots where needed

One of the good things I have put into my life that has been helpful is seeing life through 90-day sections breaks it down into doable moments. It helps me stay focused.  

At times, however, I have failed to make pivots and adjust the goals to fit new information or reality.   

3.Unrealistic expectations

I am guilty of this one through and through. I try to set too many goals and fail to reach them at times due to not having realistic expectations. 

I am all for setting big goals, just have struggled with not giving enough time to get things done.  

At the same time, many of us fail to understand how small steps over time can lead to big things.  

4. Coach 

 I remember the first time I had a coach journey with me for a year. It was great to have someone to think through my goals and what needs to happen next. I was able to work through challenges and obstacles and develop a way forward. In a way, they are like accountability partners. 

As you look to the next season of goal setting, who is going to help you?

Reaching our goals are about one step at a time. What is one thing you would add for not reaching your goal this year?