Prepaid funeral planning and Estate planning

Prepaid Funeral planning is an essential part of life. The earlier you can start, the better. Here is a great option 

Case Study (2022)

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55-year-old male, non-smoker 

$25,000 permanent insurance with a paid-up additional Insurance (this means dividends are paid that increase the death benefit.)  -Advantage plus 20-pay whole life

The monthly cost $97.72

You could do a death benefit of $50,000 with a monthly cost of 190.94

Why would you do this?

  • Once issued, it is a guaranteed death benefit
  • help cover final expenses and estate costs when you die.
  • Maybe leave a little extra for your family. 

Objection – Why not just invest the monthly amount?

Segregated funds are good options for estate planning. That may be a good option for some. Investments like segregated funds provide death benefits to the deposits or resets. However, what if you die early and the markets do not do as well as you hoped.  

This is about risk assessment in caring for your estate and family. The reality is we are going to die at some point.  

Whole life insurance provides the guaranteed death benefit.  

Ultimately you want some combination of permanent insurance for your estate planning and using the power of segregated funds. 

What is your estate plan? I know you do not want to think about this. But help your family out. 

By the way, with Foresters, there are also a bunch of other great membership bonuses that come. 

Forester members benefits

Law Assure – part of member benefits. A great tool for estate planning.

$25,000 – This is just an illustration and not a guarantee of your situation. These are just examples.

$50,000 – This is just an illustration and not a guarantee of your situation. These are just examples.