Jesus and Dating: How Does the Gospel Shape Our View of Dating


Growing up, the topic of dating, as a follower of Jesus, was always “do this not this”.  There was never much talk or teaching around understanding how the gospel shapes our view of dating.  As followers of Jesus, how do we approach this topic/activity differently?

I am certain that the question growing up for me was never asked, how the gospel shape my view of dating. The message was,   “Do not have sex, find someone you like who is a believer, good luck”

It was not until after I was married, and speaking with people who are dating that  I started to ask, “Just how does the gospel impact our understanding and practice of singleness, dating, sex, and marriage?”

How does the gospel shape our view of dating?  Here are three forces at work in shaping our view.

1. Beware of the Idol of Romantic Relationships

Our culture shapes our view on dating and relationships.  Passion, lust, and selfishness rule in many lives.  Even after getting control in these areas, one will still from time to time have to deal with them.  The roots of those battles are connected to idols in our lives.

Do you look to a relationship or a person and say only they make me feel valuable?  Do you think when I have a relationship then I will be okay? Beware of the Romance idol.

2. The Bible Does Not Speak Directly About Dating.

There is no biblical history on dating.  We can talk about marriage, and find teaching about marriage throughout scripture.  We cannot find teaching on finding a spouse.  Jesus never said this is how far sexually you can go with the opposite sex before it is too far.  We do not have a recorded teaching of Jesus sitting with the disciples and sharing, “So here are the five things to do to find a spouse”.    Often the concept of dating has been more influenced by culture in the church, then looking to the gospel for influence.

3. World View Matters

If Jesus is the centre of your life, then as a follower of Jesus, when you make a major decision you are thinking about God.  If the other person has a different world-view, they are not going to understand that.  You will have to hide much from them.  This is not what any one wants in a relationship.  Your values and driving forces will be different.

2 Corinthians 6:14 “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers.  For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common.”

Yes the passage is not a mandate against dating a non-Christian, but a strong statement that it’s not a good direction.  Non-Christians have a different king in their lives.

2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1, reminds us that Jesus is to sit at the centre in our temple.  Assuming that you are dating in order to find spouse, the biblical understanding of marriage is that you unite your two lives together.  The two temples are to come together and Christ is to be the centre.   However, if the two temples are of two different gods, Christ cannot be the centre.

Worldview matters.

3. Identity is in Jesus

In 2 Corinthians 6:16 it says “What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols?  For we are the temple of the living God.  As God has said: ‘I will live with them and walk among them and I will be their God, and they will be my people.”

Now you may read this and think, ‘Come on this sounds old fashioned’. However, what God is doing is reminding us that Heis the centre of our life.  What that means is, as a follower of Jesus, our identity comes from Jesus. Our identity is not to come from the relationship or the other person, but from Jesus.

Now these are three truths for understanding how the gospel shapes our view of dating.  I will leave with you the challenge of practically starting to work these out in your life.  Yes, there are questions not answered here.  Finding a spouse can be a hard journey.

Do you have any practical advise?  Share below in the comments.

Say Yes to Sex: How Does the Gospel Shape Our View of Sex?

How does the gospel shape our view of sex? Before you can deal with your addiction to pornography, before brokenness can be brought to healing, before we can speak into our sex crazed culture, we must first establish a foundation for a biblical worldview of sex.

Largely, culture has shaped our view in this area.  We are products of our culture, and this is not always a bad thing.  However, to follow Jesus means we align our life with his.
How does the gospel shape our view of sex?

1. Sex is a good thing, but scarred by the fall.

Genesis 1:27 tells us that we bear the image of God. There is a connection to 2 Corinthians 6 in that we are temples of God. Genesis shares that this image in us, and every aspect of life, has become disordered, or missed the mark on what God intended.  This means that today we see sex used for power, self-interest and identity.

Sex is a God initiated thing, it is more than procreation. In scripture, there is a book called “Song of Songs”, which is about the love between a husband and wife, and a sexual relationship.  It bears a positive image.
What has happened is sex has become an ultimate. Sex was never intended to be about power or identity, and even though it feels good, it was not even about self-interest.
Jesus came to bring restoration to our lives, and this includes our sex lives sexuality.

2. Sex is for marriage.

The scriptures are clear that sex is to be saved for a marriage relationship.  In 1 Cor. 6:12-20, Paul shares that those who have sex outside of marriage will not inherit the Kingdom of God.  Notice however, it is not so much the act, as it is they have rejected God.  Essentially, they have said, “God you are not good enough, sex is”.  Because of this, they do not honour God with their bodies; they do not want anything to do with God.
Paul however reminds us that you have a new identity.  These things once defined you, but you accepted and received God’s grace and are now set apart instead of called out..
Tim Keller writes “Sex affects our heart, our inward being, not just our body. Sin, which is first and foremost a disorder of the heart, therefore has a big impact on sex. Our passions and desires for sex now are very distorted. Sex is for whole-life self-giving. However, the sinful heart wants to use sex for selfish reasons, not self-giving, and therefore the Bible puts many rules around it to direct us to use it in the right way. 1 The Christian sex ethic can be summarized like this: Sex is for use within marriage between a man and woman.” (Keller, Timothy (2011-11-01). The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God (pp. 212-213). Penguin Group US. Kindle Edition.)

3. Sex is a reminder of belonging.

The gospel calls us to sex within marriage. It is a way to honour God, but also our spouse. Look again at 1 Corinthians 6:20 and 7:4. There is an understanding that sex is a gift that is not for anyone else, but for the person we are married to. Sex becomes a renewing of the marriage covenant.
As we would surrender to Jesus, as he alone is the God of our temple, so too do we declare in sex to our spouse that we are committed to him/her alone. Our spouse is not a piece of property for our own purposes.  Sex is about serving the other person instead of seeking self-interest.
We are not directed to sexual abstinence because we have a low view of marriage or sex, but because we have a lofty one.

4. Sex has emotional, physical and spiritual uniting elements to it.

As we look at the text and the wording of “one flesh.”  It is more than just a physical uniting.  One leaves a piece of them self with that person.  The one flesh is about uniting not just physically, but all areas of one’s life.  If we are not going to do that, do not become naked before each other.

Where do we go from here?

a. Let Jesus followers create and be a community practising a new sex ethic.

In this community, the consumerism of sex and material values in our world do not hold.

b. Married People.

Take some time and talk about sex and the role it plays in your marriage.

c. A Call For Renewal in Holiness.

We need to be careful of not letting something else become good news for us.  For some you have removed Jesus as the centre of your temple, and are looking elsewhere for what Christ can only give you.  Unless we understand this, and that Jesus is good news, we will not honour God with our bodies.
So think about renewing your commitment to Jesus, and receive his forgiveness and grace in your life.  Even if you have not been aligned with God’s will, choose to walk the road today


Listen to a sermon from  March 2, 2014 on this topic.