Dating, Singleness, Marriage, Sex and Jesus

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How does the Gospel shape our view and practice of Dating, Singleness, Marriage, and Sex?

For many of us the culture of our family and country we live in shape our view and practice of dating, singleness, marriage, and sex.   There is much good we can learn from our culture around these topics.   However, Jesus calls us to a new way that involves, at moments, a very different motivation and perspective around these topics

In response to many conversations, I have put together a series of posts in hopes to provide some foundation to a continual healthy conversation in the life of the church in these areas.

Here are a few questions for reflection:

  1. What has been the biggest influence in your perspective around these topics? Is it Jesus, church culture, family culture, or society?
  1. What good do you think we can we learn from the larger society and culture around these topics?

Series Posts

Singleness and the gospel

Dating and the gospel

Marriage and the gospel

Sex and the gospel