8 Questions to ask in your Financial Checkup

8 Questions to ask in your Financial Checkup

Have you done a financial check-up recently? Would you like another opinion?

The reality is many of us do not have a full picture of where we are at financially. At the same time, many are just hoping somehow that debt will take care of itself. It won’t.

When do you do your financial Check?

8 Question to ask

1)Are your investments getting the return you want?
2)Review what was actually spent compared to expected? Did you spend more money than came in? Is this good or bad?
3)Do you have a plan to get freedom from your debit?
4)Do you have income protection?
5)What financial goals do you have for the next 12 months, 3 years, 5 years, 20 years?
6)What are you doing with the cash you are sitting on? How are you going to make it work for you?
7)Who can help you develop a plan?
8)What is your system for paying the bills.

You do not have to do this alone. Sometimes it can be to have a coach from the side to point out things you do not see. That coach also can push and encourage you along in reaching your goals.

Let me be your coach? Start today with a complimentary financial analysis. There is no cost to you and no obligation to buy anything.

What questions do you have?

3 Steps to conquer your money problems

3 Steps to conquer your money problems

“The number of vulnerable households – those putting more than 40 percent of their income to cover debt payments – “is likely to rise,” the bank said, and fall behind on loan payments even with deferrals to some 700,000 households so far. “(https://www.cp24.com/news/bank-of-canada-warns-in-report-of-business-household-debt-from-covid-19-1.4940479)

I want to talk with those who are struggling financially. As I post, this COIVD-19 has spread around the world. 

The crisis can cause us to put our head further down into the sand or stand tall and move through.  

I believe a crisis is a great moment to evaluate your financial house or life spoke?

Crisis reveals the holes in our financial house. 

What do you need to do?

  • Understand the moment.

When I sit down to coach people, the first place we start is with reality. We look in the mirror, and that is no easy journey. We take a moment to evaluate and understand where we are at, to move forward. You need to know where you are at. 

  • Get a plan

The reality is we all have a plan. For some of us, our strategy is spending when I want and hope everything works out.  

Others, you have a plan in your head, a good idea of what comes in and what goes out. You even watch what you spend.  

 For those who have a plan, when was the last time you looked at it?

For those with no plan, where are you going with your financial house

  • Stick with it and ride the journey.

The other day I was listening to a business podcast, and they were talking about how so many people fail. However, the ones that succeed are the ones that pick themselves up after falling and keep going. 

What about you?

Why do you need to do this?

Show your kids a better way – Break the cycle.

Bankruptcy – is a real thing, and you can do better. 

Mast your money instead of it mastering you. 

Find financial security 

You have a choice to start making baby steps in the right direction.

Perhaps you need a good tune-up financially? Then pull into the garage. 

Master your money instead of it mastering you. 

If you want some help with this, let me know? (Free 30 min call)