Advent and Personal growth

Advent and Personal growth

Advent and the power of rhythms for goals.

In my life, I practise something called advent. Advent is a Christian tradition that starts four Sundays out from Christmas day.   

Advent is a season to reflect and be reminded of the power of waiting and rediscovering hope.   

One of the powers of such a time is the journey of reflection to gain focus. It has the ability for one to look at one’s life and gain perspective or focus.   

For me, there is a spiritual component as I prepare for Christmas and reflect on how the teaching of Jesus and the person of Jesus impacts my life.   

Personal,  I also use this time for reflection on my goals from the past year, and on setting my goals for the new year.  

Advent is a reminder about who they are to be and a call to walk that way. 

You may or may not follow Jesus, but the rhythm that advent brings can be of great help to find focus.  

There is a cross over principle for goal setting or productivity. To stay focused, one needs rhythms that call us back. 

Do you have set rhythms to reflect on reality and gain a bigger 


Do you have a regular rhythm to figure out the next steps?

 Do you have rhythms that call you back to focus?

If you are going to set yearly goals and reach them, then you are going to need some rhythm to keep you focused.   

Worry less about motivation and think habits

Worry less about motivation and think habits

I have been thinking about motivation. How do we find it? Do we need it? What is the definition of motivation?  

The dictionary definition of motivation carries with it the idea of our reason or why that pushes us forward.  

One might ask what motivated them to do that? A good question as it gets to the why of a movement. 

In everyday conversation, however, some might say I need to find the motivation to get this done. As if it is like some extraordinary power out there, we need to drum up. But what if that is the wrong road?

Now hear me finding the why to our goal or task I believe to be necessary. Any time I sit down with someone to help them develop goals, often I will ask why is that important?  

I am wondering what if it is less about finding motivation, and has more to do with developing habits and rhythms and routines that lead to the goal we want to reach.  

I suspect for many people. It is in the routine or rhythms of life that distract us and take us off course. It is not an easy task to develop a new habit or to do something a different way. Many times it can hurt, at least in the short term.  

As I write this, I am wondering what if it is habits that lead to motivation. An object can sit still and never move, but an object in motion generally stays that way. There is even the possibility it can increase. A question we most likely need to ask is short term routine do I need to change or adapt or schedule to start to move me in a direction.  

At this point, I am wondering, so how do I make the starting point easier?

This idea also means I do not sit around for something to inspire me, I know my reason, and so schedule a habit.  

I may have to work through my obstacles, but those are not there because of a lack of motivation.  

What are one or two habits over the next 30 days you need to implement to reach your goal?  

What do you think? Is it motivation or habits?

10 Questions for your End of Year Wrap up

10 Questions for your End of Year Wrap up

“Victory does not happen by accident.” I first heard that line read as someone was giving a leadership talk, and it has stuck with me. I now add to the line, “Today, I will be intentional with my time.”

As part of trying to be intentional with my time, for several years, I have taken some set time to review my past year. There are several things I consider and reflect on from my spiritual life, relationships, and work-life.

One of the biggest reasons I do this is that victory does not come by chance, and so I will be intentional with my time. I have also learned that I may not be able to do everything, but I can do some.

Here are Ten questions to ask at the end of year wrapup.

  1. What are 3-4 things you can celebrate this year?
  2. What activities brought joy to your life this year?
  3. What was the most restorative rhythm you did you this past year?
  4. Looking back over the year, who do you need to thank for their role in your life?
  5. What did you learn from your pain/failure/struggles?
  6. Review your idea week, what is working, and what is not, what needs to change?
  7. Review your yearly, or 90-day goals how far did you get on your goals? What is left to do?
  8. What are 1-2 personal goals for the year ahead, and why?
  9. What are the 3-4 work goals, and why?
  10. What are the steps needed to accomplish this goal?
Slothness and productivity

Slothness and productivity

In all of us are personal landmines that can hurt our productivity. The sooner we can face them, the quicker we can grow in life.  

One such area of challenges for some is Sloth. The idea comes from the enneagram understanding of personality.  

This idea is not so much a physical thing, as sleepiness to one’s owns priorities or needs. There is an avoidance of pain often connected to it, which lowers one’s risk-taking in one’s life. There can be a struggle to make decisions, and usually, one sits on the fence about things instead of commitment. In one’s experience, they can be either fully on or fully off in life. 

How this could work out in your productivity is 

  • Ignoring your energy levels
  • Fumbling to find the next task to accomplish 
  • Focusing on the wrong things. 
  • Procrastinate.  
  • I am only focusing on the areas I like at the expense of things I do not. 

How to overcome this inner struggle in the area of productivity

  1. Identify it – naming it can start to give us power over it. We need to recognize it and understand why? A Few Questions to ask

Am I trying to be perfect?

What am I afraid of, and is it true?

What is the mental script you are replaying in your mind? Does it lead to life or death?  

Who can help me?

2. Remove distractions in your life

3. Break your tasks or goals down into smaller steps. Quick wins can help gain momentum. Find quick wins for yourself in life. Start small things and build them up. 

4. Can you delegate tasks to someone or else?  

5.  Consider creating an ideal workweek timesheet. In my life, it has helped me to stay focused. Yes, it may never work out full each week. But as I plan tasks and meetings, I work to develop rhythms and consistencies.  

Having daily and weekly rhythms can, in time, help create wins to help keep you focused. What does your daily and weekly rhythms look like?

A Plan For A Personal 90-Day Goal Review

A Plan For A Personal 90-Day Goal Review

90-day goal-setting is one of the great tools that have helped me in my life. It is not too long to procrastinate, though that is still possible. It is also short, so I have to get going at it. 90-day goals have helped me reach my yearly goals.

Here is a 10 step plan to do your 90-day review time.

Pre-review time

  1. Schedule the time with a little margin on both ends
  2. Set the location?

During time

3. What are you most excited about from the last 90 days?

4. How did I recharge over the past 90 days?

5. Review my past 90 day goals

a)What were they?

b) How far did I get?

c)What is left to do?

6. What pivot should happen to my yearly goals? (if no annual goals skip ahead)

7. What are my next 90 day goals?

8. What are the action steps for each of those goals?

9. Calendar time – Schedule, book and review the calendar.

10. Go for a walk

What have you found helpful to you? What is your most significant obstacle in a 90-day goal review?